
Audrey Rose
Audrey Rose does not love Piña Coladas or getting caught in the rain - unless it's warm outside and there's dry clothes and a shower somewhere in the future, in which case, that's fun!
She is in to yoga, cuddly cats, and punk culture. She likes to talk about Bakhtinian heteroglossia and carnivalesque in punk narratives and write poems and theater plays. She was born on the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871 and believes she may or may not be John Lennon reincarnated.
Her influences include Derrick Jensen, Kathy Acker, Dr. Seuss, Alan Martin, Neil Gaiman, Toni Morrison, Brecht, Ovid, Sarah Kane and her alter ego and cathartic release: The Wichts. She currently "resides" in Paris.
Image Credit: Jussi Pajuniemi

Audrey Rose
the 7 deadly sins
S Ruston
Chop, Slice and Serve! Resident DJ for Berlin queer collective and party ‘Lecken’ held at Untertage. Co organizer of secret forest raves ‘House in the Woods’. Video collaborations with artists Linards Kulless and Ursula Hutchinson. Part of the Narcosexuals art collective.
Photo Credit: Juliette Claire

S Ruston
Allison Baldwin
Allison Baldwin is a poet and disability advocate based in Highland Park, New Jersey, USA. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies from Rutgers University and a Masters in Curriculum and Teaching from Columbia University, Teachers College. Allison’s poetry has been showcased all over Highland Park, most notably as part of the October 2017 Inaugural Spoken Word and Poetry Concert sponsored by the Highland Park Arts Commission and the Windows of Understanding Exhibit, a collaboration between Highland Park and New Brunswick. She has since performed her work at Pino’s the Ale n’ Wich Pub and Chamber 43 as well as appeared in the journal Nomad’s Choir and the National Poetry Month Anthology sponsored by the Raritan Federation of Libraries.
She describes her work as combining authenticity with sass and enjoys telling stories that highlight issues of social importance and transformation. Additionally, Allison manages the Instagram account, Awakening Spells where she combines her intuitive gifts of Tarot and Oracle card reading to help her community harmonize their energy and embrace their magic.

Allison Baldwin
Zafire Vrba
On Animals and Cleaning
Zafire Vrba (born 1980) is a Swedish-Czech artist and educator living in Stockholm, Sweden. They work with digital media, performances, video, text and pedagogy. Zafire's art deals with reproduction, desire, religion, feminism and trans visibility.
About the performance:
7X7, a performance with 7 actors, duration 60 minutes.
The piece is a comment on Sweden's obsession with hygiene, eugenics and "clean design". 7 actors, dressed as animals referring to the seven deadly sins, cleaned a room for 60 minutes. Before entering the room, the audience could watch a film about the consequences of fascism and hygiene.
Zafire wants to credit the actors and and collaborators for amazing work: Mike, Ilaa, Louis, Joshua, Timothy, Kiki, Björn, Audrey and Dan.
Watch the video here!
Photo Credit: Juliette Claire
Zafire Vrba
Idàn Sagiv Richter
My Little Sideshow
Idàn Sagiv Richter plays with performance, dance, music and film, trying to figure out what material are connections made of. They practice “unlearning” as means of healing and self-empowerment for individuals, communities and spaces, working from a critical, radical perspective around counter-sexuality, polyamory and open relationships, queer and gender matters, sex work and social justice issues.
Artist, coach and activist, Idàn directed the performance group project Connection Ensemble aimed at inner and outer social change, facilitated workshops in Germany and abroad, lead successful social-change campaigns such as Cut Homophobia, the Israeli TV campaign against LGBT-phobia, co-directed the film l’AMORE E BASTA that was screened at the Venice Biennale, organised the Berlin Dancing for Freedom project, was the singer of the queer-empowering, gender-bending band Peanut Envy that also made the post-porn short Hello, Titty! and performed in Liad Hussein Kantorowicz’s Terrorist Superstars among other things. Idàn is currently editing a video installation called Farewell Home and otherwise creates, explores and improvises in Berlin.
Photo Credit: Juliette Claire
Idàn Sagiv Richter
Alexandre Dujardin
Densha Tattoo
Photo Credit: Juliette Claire
Alexandre Dujardin
Honorary Mentions: Behind the Scenes

Prayer Room Attendant, Slothful Donkey, Amazing Person.

7x7 is a creative, historical, mythological, and prepostoral exploration of the 7 deadly sins, with speakers and an international group of artists commenting on Catholic Theology, through psychology, music, dance, poetry, soundscapes, tattoos, photography, theatre, sculpture, and more. Bring your lust, bring your greed, bring your envy, sloth, pride, wrath, and of course, your gluttony!
7x7 ist eine kreative, historische, mystische und extreme Ausstellung über die 7 Todsünden, die durch Vortragenden und einer internationalen Gruppe von Künstler*innen vorgestellt und kommentiert werden vor durch Katholischer Theologie, Psychologie, Musik, Tanz, Geräuschkulissen, Tattoos, Fotografie, Theater, Skulpturen und vielem mehr. Pack' deine Lust, schnapp' deine Gier, bring' uns deinen Neid, deine Faulheit, deinen Stolz, Zorn und natürlich deine Völlerei!
Audrey Rosey - Performance Theatre, Ritual
Father Louis - Performance Theatre, Ritual
Juliette Claire - Performance Theatre, Sculpture
Allison Baldwin - Poetry
Zafire Vrba - Performance: On Animals and Cleaning
Idàn Sagiv Richter, My little sideshow, music and video performance, www.idansagivrichter.com
Alexandre Dujardin, Densha Tattoo, Handpoke Tattoos
Sophie Rusty, S Ruston, DJ, Soundscape, Performance
Evan Criscuolo, Photography
Friday Sept 28:
19.18: Doors, Photography exhibition by Evan Criscuolo
Confessions with Father Louis
21.07 : Opening Ritual with Juliette, Audrey Rosey, Father Louis
Saturday Sept 29:
17.43: Doors, Poetry by Allison Baldwin, Flash Tattoos with @Densha Tattoo
Trauma Speaker/Workshop - the traumatic impact of
catholicism/the 7 deadly sins, the corresponding virtues
19.18: Zafire Vrba, On Animals and Cleaning
Historical context/roundtable
20.58: Idàn Sagiv Richter, My little sideshow
22.40: Sophie Rusty/dance party/music/drinks/food
a gluttonous vegan buffet
01:05 (30/9) - Fin.
There is no cover for this event, donations will be taken to support the venue and the artists.
Diese Austellung wird kostenlos, kleine Spende für die Künstler sind willkommen :)
Artwork for the flyer graciously donated by RenDi Young.
Curated by Audrey Dégez