7x7 is a creative, historical, mythological, and prepostoral exploration of the 7 deadly sins, with speakers and an international group of artists commenting on Catholic Theology, through psychology, music, dance, poetry, soundscapes, tattoos, photography, theatre, sculpture, and more. Bring your lust, bring your greed, bring your envy, sloth, pride, wrath, and of course, your gluttony!
Audrey Rosey - Performance Theatre, Ritual Juliette Claire - Performance Theatre, Sculpture Allison Baldwin - Poetry Zafire Vrba - Sound piece, guided journey Idàn Sagiv Richter, My little sideshow, music and video performance, www.idansagivrichter.com Alexandre Dujardin, Densha Tattoo, Handpoke Tattoos Sophie Rusty, S Ruston, DJ, Soundscape, Performance Evan Criscuolo, Photography
Friday Sept 28: Doors: 19.18, Photography exhibition by Evan Criscuolo Opening Ritual: 21.07
Saturday Sept 29: 17.43: Doors, Poetry by Allison Baldwin, Flash Tattoos with @Densha Tattoo Trauma Speaker/Workshop - the traumatic impact of catholicism/the 7 deadly sins, the corresponding virtues 19.18: Zafire Vrba Historical context/roundtable 20.58: Idàn Sagiv Richter, My little sideshow 22.40: Sophie Rusty/dance party/music/drinks/food a gluttonous vegan buffet 01.05 (30/9) - Fin.
There is no cover for this event, donations will be taken to support the venue and the artists.
Artwork for the flyer graciously donated by RenDi Young. 📷